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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

The Year 2 teaching staff are:


Miss Caddell

Miss Fox


In Year 2 we encourage every child to read at least 3x a week at home. We reward their commitment to this reading challenge and each class has the opportunity to win the reading bear for their classroom.

Every child is given 10 weekly spellings to learn. We learn the spelling pattern in school but we also encourage children to practise their weekly spellings at home. This can be done on Spelling Shed. Weekly spellings are given out on a Friday and a spelling test is completed the following Friday.

Maths homework will be set weekly on Purple Mash and children are encouraged to complete the work.


Wow Moments

Teddy Bear's Picnic

Paddington Bear came to spend the half-term with our classes in September. In a letter he had written to us, we learnt that he had recently missed out on afternoon tea with the king. To try and cheer him up, we created our own teddy bear’s picnic and invited him along! We made jam sandwiches and lemon tarts which we then ate at the picnic. We also made our own crowns and flags to make it feel more like a royal picnic.


Big Box Day

At the end of the half-term, we undertook the mammoth task of carrying out “Big Box Day”. We had to create London landmarks using cardboard boxes and construct, and decorate, them in a way that represented the shape of our given landmark. It was a tough challenge but we lived up to the task and created some amazing pieces of work. Take a look at some of our constructions!





Kit Theatre

Year 2 were visited by Kit Theatre. The children took part in lots of activities to teach them about the Great Fire of London.