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The wellbeing of our school community is very important to us.  We are very pleased to say that we achieved the Wellbeing Award for schools!

We have provided more support for the pupils through ‘drop in and chat’ sessions and every class has a dedicated time for relaxation or mindfulness. Our revised PSHE scheme puts a greater focus on mental health and wellbeing. We will keep you updated with our progress through our termly wellbeing newsletter and we will be conducting another survey later on in the term.

We are continually updating these pages and adding new ideas.


Be Active

Keep Learning 


Take Notice

It's really important to find, and practice, positive ways of thinking as they can help you through life's ups and downs.

There are some simple things that everyone can do that can help boost moods and keep you happy. They're easy to do and don't have to cost a penny.

They're known as the 5 ways to wellbeing and they are:

  • keep active
  • take notice
  • connect
  • keep learning
  • give

Here are some ideas of how you can fit the 5 ways into everyday life for children.


Keep active Take notice Connect

Dance to your favourite song.

Walk a dog.

Hula hoop.

Join a sports team.

Walk or cycle to school.

Help in the garden.

Make up your own sport.

Look what you can see out of your window and how it changes.

Paint or draw a picture of what you've seen today.

Think about how you are feeling today.

Listen to the sounds of nature like the wind and rain.

Play I spy.

Notice how your friends or family are feeling today.

Talk to your friends and family.

Help a friend or neighbour.

Eat a meal with your family.

Make a new friend.

Say hello.

Bake some cakes and share them.

Keep learning Keep active

Learn a new word each day.

Visit a museum.

Try out a musical instrument.

Try a new food.

Learn to cook a new recipe.

Visit a new place.

Write a story or song.

Smile and say thank you.

Make a homemade present or card for someone.

Hold a door open for someone.

Give someone you love a hug.

Send your old toys to a charity shop.

Share with others.

Help around the house - wash the dishes or do some dusting.

Listen to someone else and how they are feeling.

We want to say a huge thank you to all the parents for their support with this and well done to all the staff and children for making Leigh Beck Infant Academy a warm and safe environment to be in.

We will continue to uphold our wellbeing status and we look forward to working with you all again.

Thank you

The Wellbeing Team

If you require any more details, please contact Mrs Verkely, (Wellbeing Coordinator) or Mrs Smith