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Topic Summer 2

Topic work

We hope you are enjoying the topic so far. We are continuing this topic over the next few weeks. We are learning about farm animals and where our food comes from. We hope you enjoy these activities and have fun. If you can think of any other activities we would love to see them.


Activity 1: What do we get from animals?

Go onto twinkl:

Find the PowerPoint Where does food come from?

Watch the PowerPoint and make some notes.

You can also download a printable version at the bottom of this page.


Activity 2: Create a leaflet

Go onto Purple mash

Type leaflet into the search bar

Click on create a leaflet

Design your own leaflet. Remember to include pictures, key facts and information you have learnt from the PowerPoint.

Challenge: can you research any other facts

Activity 3: The journey of milk

Google BBC teach: Find Geography KS 1   How our milk gets from the farm to the shops

Watch video clip

Can you make a dairy farm? You can draw a picture or make a model how milk gets from the farm to the shop. You could use sticks, grass, toy cars, toy animals.  How creative can you be?


Activity 4: Do you like milk?

Can you investigate where we use milk?


Activity 5: Design your own farm

Choose the animals you would like on your farm, consider the habitat they need, what will your animals eat?

You could use a shoe box/cereal box to create your farm or you could draw a picture.

We would love to see photos of your farm.