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The school uses its own Safe and Secure Network with dedicated servers that service the entire site. Trolleys of laptops and Ipads are available for the children to use in classrooms or anywhere around the school. We also have a Computer Suite.

We have the use of digital cameras, microphones, recorders, Beebots and a wide range of exciting software that is used aid the childrens learning. Each classroom also has a Clevertouch board and Visualiser for use in most lessons.

Our children use ICT equipment in many subjects. In Computing lessons, they learn about online safety, coding, email and communications, control technology, data handling, word processing, publishing, computer aided design, research and investigation, and much more.

Creating a simple programme using Bee-Bots



Using a computer programme to create our own William Morris inspired art work.


Using torches to create rainbow reflections


In today’s world, it is more important than ever that children know how to keep themselves safe. We make online safety a high priority and children are taught the basics of online safety in every year group discretely, and revisited in the majority of computing sessions and in special assemblies.

However, there is only so much schools can do. It is incredibly important that parents take the time to talk to their children and set rules within their homes. We strongly suggest that you put a filter in place at home to prevent your children accessing adult sites, and that you monitor your child’s computer access. Talk to your child today!

There are lots of helpful tips and guidance in our  Safeguarding pages for you to access. 


Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming work!