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Our Nursery


At Leigh Beck Infant and Nursery, we are passionate about early years education. We understand how important a good start is, laying the foundations to future learning and well-being. As you enter our Nursery environments, you will experience a nurturing atmosphere mixed with the excitement of learning. It is clear to see that our children are happy, excited and independent learners who are all happy to be part of our Nursery.

Our Nursery Setting

Leigh Beck Nursery opened over 25 years ago. All our nursery classes have large, bright classrooms and access to an outside area that is shared across our nursery classes, all based within the main school site. 

Play is at the heart of our learning, where children are able to be hands-on in their learning and our nursery reflects this. Our environment, inside and outside, has been carefully designed for the children to be as independent as possible from an early age, where our continuous provision reflects the children’s interests and needs. The children are encouraged to make decisions about their learning and great emphasis is put on child led learning, where the adults skilfully challenge learning and develop key skills.   

Our nursery has:

A purpose built building with –

  • Bright play areas and adjoining toilets
  • A secure outdoor play area with soft play surfaces and large apparatus
  • A fully functioning kitchen for preparing snacks and children’s cooking

Our Nursery Team

Our caring nursery team is led by experienced practitioners who are specialists in early years education, ensuring that high quality learning and experiences are delivered to each and every child. As a team, we are driven by how children learn and maximising their time with us so that they can reach their potential every day. As a bridge from home to Nursery, we ensure each child has a consistent relationship with a key worker who will be responsible for ensuring a smooth transition from home and will work closely with them throughout their time in the Nursery.. 

Transition from Home

The first step in finding out about your child is you!  We understand that each child is unique and will have different interests, needs and home lives. We offer several ways to gain a good understanding of your child and to develop positive relationships with you and your child before they start with us.

During the term before your child starts nursery, we will invite you to an induction meeting where you will be given all the necessary information you will need before your child starts with us.  This will be an opportunity for you and your child to have a good look around the nursery and discuss any issues or needs your child may have, collection arrangements, any ways we can help them settle and for us to get to know you and your child better.

Bringing and Collecting

  • All children must be accompanied to and from school by a responsible adult
  • It is important that children are dropped off and collected on time as they will become anxious if you are late
  • Please inform us in advance if there will be someone new collecting your child

Terms and holidays are usually in line with the Primary Academy Trust.

Daily sessions are

8.30-11.30 (We offer 30 hour funded spaces until 3pm)

Nursery Daily Programme

Everything at Leigh Beck Nursery is carefully planned to inspire children to enjoy learning.

Play is the child’s way of learning and its importance cannot be over emphasised. For the child there is no division between play and work. Play is work, when children are playing they are learning. Play needs to be usefully planned to achieve a balance between independent and direct activities. Play allows for exploration, observation, development of language skills, social development and development of manipulative skills. There are a variety of play situations, solitary, spectator, parallel and partnership play where a child can discover, re-discover, and build on past experiences.

Morning Session

8.30-9.00 – Flexible entrance time and free play

9.00-9.30 – Registration and teaching input

9.30-10.45 – Discovery play

10.45-11.00 – Tidy up routine and story/song time

11.00-11.25 – Snack time

11.30 – Home time

30 Hour Extended Offer

We are able to offer places for extended hours for parents who are entitled to the extended funding (see the website via the link below or speak to Mrs Smith for more information).  These hours can be taken between 8.30am – 3.30pm.

If a child is not entitled to the extended offer, parents are able to pay for afternoon sessions.  This is charged at £3.50 per hour or part hour and is bookable with the nursery on a daily basis.

Please Click here to find out more about our :-

Early Years Curriculum

30 hour funding information